Winston: That's like the president and the vice president not being best friends.
Nick: They're not best friends.
Winston: Come on, everybody knows they're best friends.

Open your cellar doors, and let us taste your jams.


It really bums me out that I will never know the infinite joy of what it feels like to carry a child inside of me.


I take dumps standing up! I'm a man!


Six hundred dollars! That's six hundred one-dollar bills. That's the only way I can imagine it.


I don't want a refund on my cruise and I don't want a refund on you!


Jess: Where are you guys going?
Biology Teacher: In life, nowhere.

Your asses belong to me now, which means I currently have four asses.


Nobody's getting pregnant tonight!...That's the same thing I say on my dates.


I'm like a Hebrew cheetah.


Nick: My arms are so sore from doing so many push-ups.
Schmidt: That seems like a lie.

Well, this just in, the dress code for Winston's banquet tonight is...optional.


New Girl Season 3 Quotes

Where have you been? I am having a major life crisis, and you guys are, what, just driving around, French kissing each other like a couple of Dutch hookers?


Puzzle me this then, Winston-- how do you live with yourself?
