Who made you, Amanda?

So this is how ends. Just like it begun.


If anything happens to Nikita, I will kill you.

Michael [to Owen]

Sorry, about your face. When I break these chains, I'll even out the other side.

Nikita: No boys needing rescuing. Maybe one.
Alex: There's always one.

Michael: Let's set a date and stick to it.
Nikita: Done and done.

I'm here to protect the innocent. I'm not going to lose myself in the process because if I do, Amanda wins. I'm not going to let that happen.

I was out of moves.


Look. Division is as good or as bad as the people running it. We can do it right this time.


Maybe this new one can be something better.


Yes, Alex, the lesson is that every operative is disposable.


Your mother was a good woman. She didn't deserve to die.
