Jamie: Is that brandy? Where’d you get it?
Claire: Your son. He gave it to me.

Sometimes a hand in the dark is the comfort a man needs before his soul takes its final journey.


William: You’re a rebel.
Claire: Yes, my husband is a colonel in the militia. We were separated, and I was captured.

Claire: May I ask? How did you know who I was?
Lieutenant: He’s said you’d be the curly wig giving orders like a sergeant major.

Captain Richardson: War is long. No doubt an opportunity for redemption will present itself.
William: I will be ready when it does, sir. You have my word.

Rachel: You saved our lives. I don't know how to thank thee.
William: You can thank that rotten stew that I awoke to such terrible pain in my stomach.

Roger: What's wrong, son? You can tell me.
Jemmy: No.
Roger: Well, why don't you come up to the house then, huh? For Dad's regular tea-time special, beans on toast.
Jemmy: I got in trouble at school.
Roger: What for?
Jemmy: Tommy Reid said me, and Mama, and Mandy are all going to burn in hell as papists.
Roger: Well, you know what to say to that.
Jemmy: I'll see you there! And I did. Only I said it in Gaelic. Miss Glenn didn't like that. She grabbed me by the ear and said, 'In this classroom, we speak English.'

The kids are in the house glued to the telly, so we have about 15 minutes. I think I have an appointment for an inspection.


So, who do I have to lock in a tunnel to get a drink around here?


Where a goat can go, a man can go. Sir. And where a man can go, he can drag a gun. Cannon fire will reach us.


Rachel: What is it, William?
William: I've never killed anyone before. I do not, I do not quite know what to do about it. I expected it to be in battle. I think I would know how to feel if it had been.
Rachel: No, you wouldn't.
William: You must think me disgraceful.
Rachel: I think you know well enough to know that's untrue.

Claire: I wasn’t prepared to join a war tonight. Neither were you. And I won’t let you go without me. They’ll need doctors.
Ian: I’m comin’ with ye too, uncle.
Jamie: No, lad. Sail home to Scotland. I made a promise to your mother.
Ian: You promised we’d return someday, and we will. I love this land. I want to fight for it.

Outlander Quotes

Sex was our bridge back to one another. The one place where we always met. Whatever obstacles presented themselves during the day or night, we could seek out and find each other again in bed. As long as we had that, I had faith that everything would work out.

Claire voiceover about Frank

The war had taught me to cherish the present because tomorrow might not ever come to pass. What I didn’t know at the time was that tomorrow would prove less important than yesterday.
