Amanda: Men are idiots.
Maggie: I know. Sometimes I think women are just...better.

I'm still afraid of what Bridget's return means for you and me. But for the first time in my life, I'm not going to let my fear get the better of me. I want to be with you, as terrifying as that is.


Laura! Forget your mittens. Grab a swim suit!


Kate, I mislead you, I withheld from you, but I haven't lied to you.


You landed here to save a life, and there is still a possibility of that. She's standing right there.


Laura: I have to photo one beautiful face and unusual one.
Ted: Who's the other subject?
Laura: Maggie.
Ted: Oh. Good. For a second there, I thought I was the weirdo one.

You better buckle up, adventure calls!


I came to Germany to forgive. But I still hate them. And I don't want to stop.


Laura, you need to decide right now because this is your life. What do you want to do with it?


Ted: Second rule of the subway, never wake anybody up.
Laura: What's the first rule?
Ted: Take a cab.

She's waiting for Mr. Right. She's very patient.


Amanda: Which glass?
Ted: Whichever holds more booze.

Pan Am Quotes

Tower: Clipper 22, Tower. Your special delivery just arrived, Sir.
Dean: Thanks Tower. That's our girl!

Thanks, Ted, but Pan Am wants actual pilots in the left seat.
