Vanessa: You think I'm a spoiled bitch?
Orderly: We're not to engage in conversation, miss.

Orderly: It's not torture, what they're doing. It's science. It's meant to make you better.
Vanessa: It's meant to make me normal. Like all the other women you know. Compliant. Obedient. A cog in an intricate social machine. No more.

Vanessa: Is it day or night?
Orderly: Which do you prefer now?
Vanessa: Day.
Orderly: Then it's day.

Vanessa: Don't you like poetry?
Orderly: Uh, no.

  • Permalink: Uh, no.
  • Added:

I have been touched by Satan. My weakness allowed it. My faith was not strong enough and Lucifer came to me. I didn't fight him strongly enough. I don't know that I fought him at all.


And I do believe what you said about Lucifer. After all, I was there. Oh, my dear. We have so much to catch up on, do we not?


Dr. Seward: My ancestor, the old woman. Joan Clayton. What would she say to you?
Vanessa: "Be true."
Dr. Seward: Be true. You will come out of it. When you're at the heart of your trauma. When you've found what you're here for. I'm not leaving you for anything in this world.

I would leave this place, but I need the work. Jobs are scarce, and I have to feed the family, you understand? And I wouldn't leave you, in any case. Not until you're better. And maybe we'll walk out of here together. Wouldn't that be a day?


This is who you are. Please don't forget that.


Vanessa: I should have died a virgin. Like Joan of Arc. Be true, be strong. Sing on the funeral pyre. Did you know she sang as she burned?
Orderly: No.
Vanessa: None of us are heroes.
Orderly: I suppose not.

Do you know what they are, all of them? A broken thing. Not a tiger. Not a flower. Not a clump of earth. Not even a blade of grass. Miss Ives, you have to get better.


But you're not a thing of the spirit, Vanessa. You're a thing of the flesh. Like me. You're the wolf. You're the scorpion. You're all those things that slip and soar and stalk through the deep forest in the dark night. You're powerful. You feel it coiling within you. Become the wolf and the bat and the scorpion. Be truly who you are.


Penny Dreadful Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Orderly: It's not torture, what they're doing. It's science. It's meant to make you better.
Vanessa: It's meant to make me normal. Like all the other women you know. Compliant. Obedient. A cog in an intricate social machine. No more.

Vanessa: You think I'm a spoiled bitch?
Orderly: We're not to engage in conversation, miss.