You'll be fine, just change your shoes.

Ezra (to Aria)

Hanna: What'd you do with the basket?
Aria: I trashed it. Why did you want the jelly beans?

Okay, he's basically hugging a hand grenade.

Spencer(on Mona and Jason)

Face it, Caleb. We were never "under the radar."


You are in this class to discuss American history, not mine, got it?


Well, I'll tell you what, she sneaks in my house past midnight, I'm sleeping with a crowbar under my pillow.


You kiss pretty good for a man without his spleen.


Playing dress up for your man on Halloween is one thing. You do it any other night, you end up on an afternoon talk show.


You make it so hard to be a modern post-feminist when you get so alpha male.


Paige wasn't in Spanish today. Yo hablo sicko.


Things just went from worse to worser.


I really feel like I'm about to rattle the cage of a sleeping giant.


Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
