Violet: I'm lost, Cooper. I mean I see it, I feel better, but most of the time I walk around lost and alone and scared.
Cooper: Well then I will be here, and we'll sit and we'll eat and figure this out. We'll work through everything and make it okay. Together.

Archer: They seem like a nice couple.
Addison: They're divorced. They barely speak.
Archer: I guess they spoke long enough to conceive.

Naomi: Teri Hughes' mother came in today.
Violet: Why?
Naomi: We have Teri and Mark's embryos in our freezer and she wants them implanted ... in her. I don't know what to do.
Violet: I do. Say no.
Naomi: Well, I know there are issues with her carrying her own grandchild, and her age, but Sharon seems to-
Violet: I'm not interested in Sharon's reasons. Teri was my patient. I'm interested in what she'd think. And she would never ever want this.
Naomi: But how can you be so sure?
Violet: Teri hated her mother. Giving that woman another child, Teri's child, would have been her worst nightmare.

Cooper: I'm sorry I said no about the marriage, but I did tell you I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Can you tell me what I did wrong that's so unforgivable?
Charlotte: If you really don't get it, I can't help you.
Cooper: Well, we have to talk about this.
Charlotte: No. We don't. And we won't. So save the rest of your earnest little I can make it all better act and leave, okay?

Charlotte: I screwed up, Coop. And I want to make it right. So, I was thinking, you wanted me to move in a few months ago, maybe now it's the right thing to do. A good first step. What's the matter? You going somewhere?
Cooper: I'm moving in with Violet.

Cooper: We're so not a cute couple in and out of each other's pockets, finishing each other's sentences. But we're still a couple. We're us and I love us and I am nowhere near ready to give up. Even if you are, I'm not giving up.
Charlotte: Well, won't that be lonely.

Archer: This is you. Not mad. Like the time I loaned your cashmere sweater to Crystal McCullen.
Addison: She puked on it. She puked up strawberry daiquiri all over my sweater.

Violet: I'm pregnant.
Cooper: You're pregnant?
Violet: And I don't know who the father is. Cooper, we are two of the most emotionally stunted people I've ever known. We've never made any progress in our personal life. We don't do personal growth and now, here you are, getting married, and I'm pregnant and we're just growing all over the place.

Hi, Sis. How do you like my new office?


Addison: Why is everyone so stuck on what did or didn't happen with Wyatt?
Naomi: Well who is is stuck on it? Are you going to tell Kevin?
Addison: No. There's nothing to tell. It didn't happen. I didn't cheat. I didn't go out on a date. I just went into his office and kissed him.

Naomi: I'm still hoping that the Sinclairs will come through.
Addison: They walked in a crisis. Would you want that for your kid?

Nora: I feel so scared. You've never felt this. How can you know?
Violet: I'm going to break all the rules and I'm going to tell you something about me. I am more afraid than I've ever been in my life. I'm pregnant and that is paralysingly, terrifyingly scary for me.

Private Practice Season 2 Quotes

(to Sam)You suck at being Naomi.


Charlotte: I miss the good old days. When life and death was decided by God instead of doctors.
Violet: Well, we'll be out of jobs.

Private Practice Season 2 Music

  Song Artist
Song Shake It Up The Cars
Home Foo Fighters iTunes
Song Flicker Kathryn Williams