Terry: They were gonna rip you off.
Bunchy: What do you know about it?
Terry: I know what I saw.
Bunchy: You know, we don't all have to spend our life fuckin' miserable.

Ray: I'll give you the phone for a piece of your NFL deal.
Paige: How much?
Ray: Five percent.
Paige: What if I told you you're insane?
Ray: You don't get a football team.
Paige: Two point five.
Ray: Three.
Paige: OK.
Ray: You get the phone when I see something in writing.
Paige: You need that? [she smirks] You don't trust me? Hmmm? [ they kiss] I wonder if you're out past your depth.
Ray: I'll manage.

Paige: I tried to hard for my father's approval, and he preferred feeling needed over feeling proud.
Ray: Maybe you should have just kidnapped yourself.

The bar's called Kelly's Place. You're a fuckin' Donovan.

Abby's Dad

Abby: Hey dad.
Dad: You look like you're mother.
Abby: Yeah, I know.
Dad: It's hard on the eyes.

Ray Donovan Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

The bar's called Kelly's Place. You're a fuckin' Donovan.

Abby's Dad

Abby: Hey dad.
Dad: You look like you're mother.
Abby: Yeah, I know.
Dad: It's hard on the eyes.