You don't need 20 year old glucose clogging up your system.

Hank[to Evan]

Jill: Divya knows
Hank: Evan Knows.
Paige: Everyone knows.

Divya: When we've been friends as long as they have, do you suppose we'll be like that?
Hank: I certainly hope so.

By the way could you tell Jill to leave the toilet seat up when she's done? A little respect would be awesome.


You really think tossing in Yoplait is going to quell Mt. Vesuvius?


Man: What do I do now?
Hank: As I doctor I advise a hot shower. As a human being I advise picking up after your dog.

Whatever she makes, you will eat it.

Hank [about Divya's cooking]

Royal Pains Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Man: What do I do now?
Hank: As I doctor I advise a hot shower. As a human being I advise picking up after your dog.

Whatever she makes, you will eat it.

Hank [about Divya's cooking]