Stupid old me! The old me really screw the new me over, didn't she? How am I suppose to start fresh? when my past keeps reaching into my future and pulling me into my present!

(end voiceover) You know that thing about touching the plate after the waiter tells you it's hot? The most exciting time is that moment right before you touch it. After that, you're just an idiot sitting in a restaurant with a burnt finger. The truth is, as one who's had my share of meals, it's a lot more fun when you're not in pain.

Andrea: God! That's my boss! There must be some kind of line he's crossing here, right?
Samantha: It's not happening if you don't look at it.
Andrea: Like poverty.

(voiceover) When they write the book of my life, what section will I be in? Mystery? Horror? Romance? Or just misfiled and jammed in the back under military history?

Samantha: You work out huh?
Andrea's date: Yeah.
Samantha: Yeah. That would be helpful when Andrea's husband gets out of prison.

Samantha: Dena I'm not gonna stay somewhere when I'm not wanted.
Dena: It's not that hard, you get used to it.

Regina: I don't want you to think I'm one of those uptight mothers, I... I... I want to be supportive, so, c'mon, let's get my little girl laid.
Dena: Okay!
Samantha (to Andrea): This is bad, right?
Andrea: Do you think?! I'm out with a dork, her mother and her stalker. Looks like I'm leading the special-needs field trip.

Sam: And now I can't quit my job, and I have to work. It is so unfair!
Todd: Unfair how?
Sam: That I have to work! So I can pay my bills! So that I can make money! Okay, so it sounded a lot more unfair in my head than it did out loud.

(Voice over) No matter how hard I keep landing, I guess I owe it to myself to fall, because the heart wants, what the heart wants, and apparently, mine wants a nasty bruise.

Samantha: Essay Question: Answer in complete sentences. If you could start over, rewind your life, do it all differently, what would you change, even if that change was hard and scary and might leave you more alone?

Samantha: Disinvited? But she liked me. How can she disinvite someone she likes so much?
Andrea: Oh I don't know, it might be because you started a litte wedding pool on how long the marriage would last.
Samantha: Well that's not very likable.

Well....... this job SUCKS.

Samantha Who? Quotes

Sam: Couple of good things about being in a coma: no fattening food, lots of rest, they sponge you down every day. It's like a spa. Bad things: my nose itches, I have something called the "Pina Colada Song" stuck in my head, and, oh yeah, sometimes I can hear what people in my room are saying.

Sam: Good things about amnesia: all new clothes, no re-runs. Bad: every minute is like that dream where you haven't been to class all year, and the test is now.