Wait, you're going to college and you're ten?


It's something we could do together with our clothes on.


I'm not a hero. It's just math.


Hey, dummies! A little help?


Toby: If you can't hear me, it means you're already dead.
Sylvester: Don't say that!

Maybe we're changing. Maybe I'm not a robot either.


Walter: I saved 9 sailor's lives instead of us. I supported that act with calculations, but perhaps there was some sentimentality attached.
Happy: And you let that certifiable lunatic stay in our garage.

Happy: In case we don't make it out of here, I just want to say, I'm not a robot.
Walter: Thank you for clarifying. I did know you weren't made of circuitry.

So now our lives are in Toby's hands. Fantastic.


Either the ocean is lousy with mermen, or those are our submariners.


How did my quiet day turn into this?


We're not military. We take our orders from math and science. Right now we know the odds of survival are slim, but we know that mathematically there's a chance. Some people call us robotic, mechanical, but in situations like this our constitution is a benefit.


Scorpion Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Fifty bucks. I can figure out their exact location anyway. You want to bet? It's a bet! We got a bet?


And I will get my party hat because I don't have to go on a submarine!
