Samantha: I'm going to tell you something, there's two types of guys out there, the ones that hold your hand and the ones that fuck you.
Carrie: (thinking to herself) And I'd, slept with both of them in the last forty-eight hours.
Samantha: And the ones that fuck you, aren't worth a damn. We're all alone, Carrie....(crys)

Three days of sleep deprivation had turned Samantha into a whole new woman, Charlotte.


Oh, Carrie, it doesn't matter how much you have, if you don't have a guy who cares about you, it don't mean shit.


I shoulda gotten married, then at least I'd have a curtain that closes.


Trey: Ladies, may I sweep my bride away?
Miranda: She's all yours.
Carrie: (voice over) It was then that each of us realised that we didn't have it all. Because we no longer had Charlotte.

Aidan: I realized something while I was gone...
Carrie: Oh, you did, did you?
Aidan: Yeah, I love you Carrie.
(silence from Carrie)
Aidan: That too much? Around Trenton, I thought I shouldn't say...
Carrie: No, no, I love you too.

I was busy preparing for Aidan to come back. I had slept in Big's and my sex sheets for two days, and like any good junkie knew how to hide the evidence.


Charlotte: I can't sign that. I can't marry someone knowing they feel this way.
Miranda: Listen, this is just their opening offer, it totally standard you go back in a negotiate.
Charlotte: Negotiate? I can't even buy stuff on sale.

Miranda: Um!
Charlotte: What?
Miranda: This is a little unusual, he has you on a vesting schedule. For every five years that you're married you get a percentage of five hundred thousand dollars.
Charlotte: I'm only worth five hundred thousand dollars?
Miranda: Over thirty years.
Carrie: Well, maybe that's their wholesale price?
Miranda: And, if you have any boys, you'll get another hundred grand free and clear.
Carrie: How much for girls?
Miranda: Nada!
Carrie: Well, that's just bad buisness.

Miranda: Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce.
Charlotte: See, there's it is again, divorce.
Mirnada: I'm sure you'll live happily ever after. But, I gotta tell ya, I wouldn't get married without one of these to protect myself.
Carrie: See, I'm safe, what's he gonna take from me, shoes? (thinks) Wait a minute, maybe I do need one.

Miranda: Well, this all looks pretty normal.
Charlotte: Normal? We haven't even gotten married yet, and we're already talking about divorce.
Carrie: Sweetie, a lot of people do pre-nups these days.
Charlotte: Marriage is supposed to be about love and happiness....
Miranda: And the merging and protecting of assets.
Charlotte: That is so unromantic.
Miranda: And necessary.

(Trey and Charlotte are looking at china plates)
Trey: Thirteen hundred dollars?
Sales Clerk: Yes, and we do very well with it.
Charlotte: It's very beautiful.
Trey: Yes, it would look lovely unto the ramen noodles will be forced to eat, due to my outstanding china loans.

Sex and the City Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Aidan: Carrie, I need to ask you something?
Carrie: Okay.
Aidan: I don't want to be paranoid here, ok, but you took Pete for a walk, and we both know you're not big on the dog walking. Now, I can smell something, are you cheating?
(Carrie breaths deep)
Aidan: I can smell smoke on you.
Carrie: Oh!
Aidan: You're smoking again aren't you?
Carrie: Yea, yea, I am. (thinking to herself) It was the truth...
Aidan: Are you going to quit?
Carrie: I really want to (thinking to herself) and that was too.

Trey: Ladies, may I sweep my bride away?
Miranda: She's all yours.
Carrie: (voice over) It was then that each of us realised that we didn't have it all. Because we no longer had Charlotte.