I'm sick of living in your shadow.

Ian [to Lip]

Frank, I certainly hope you're not pooping in there. It's a closet.


Mickey: Don't.
Ian: Don't what?
Mickey: Just
Mandy: Hey, I got the nitrous. Meet you outside?
Mickey: The fuck do you want?
Mandy: Really, That's all you're going to say to him? You're a fucking pussy.

Dottie: Eat sh*t Frank.
Frank: Well I would, but I recently went vegan.

Kevin: Circle doesn't start with an S? What the fuck? Cat I know that shit bitch! That's a cat!
Veronica: You learnin' stuff off the TV again?

Five Gallaghers I'm gonna be like the lone black dot on a map of Ireland.


Surround sound bitching is the only thanks I get.


Ian: Hey Fiona? I'm gay.
Fiona: I know.

Well if you need me, I'll be in the bushes across the street stalking you.


Brush your teeth, I wanna play.


Dead people poop themselves.


Fiona: Hey Carl you got any Bears stuff I could wear to the game today? Like a hat or jersey or something?
Carl: I got a fuck Jay Cutler t-shirt but it might have some blood on it.

Shameless Quotes

Lip: What exactly does hooked up mean?
Kevin: Last I checked penis goes into the vagina.

Surround sound bitching is the only thanks I get.
