Derek: I think you'd make a brilliant Marilyn. I see it. You know. In my head.
Karen: Really?

You need to have a thicker skin, Iowa.


Rebecca: And I was thinking about hiring a vocal coach. Is that a good idea?
All: Yes.

Derek, seems our movie star has requested yet another work session. Buckle up.


Great. Another crook.


I'd rather see longer scenes and a little less singing and dancing. You know?


Eileen: What we need to do is to find a constructive solution.
Julia: Group suicide?

Ivy: Hey, we're not best friends, you know, okay?
Karen: I know.

We should probably stop acting like we're her parents.


You said we had a few hours.


Eileen: Are you in or are you out?
Derek: Fine! Get me a star!

I feel like a frog.


Smash Quotes

Sam: Ivy's doing the nasty with the Dark Lord, huh?
Dennis: That's what I said.
Karen: Who's the Dark Lord?
Sam: Sauron himself, Derek.

Eileen: If that were a real Degas, what would you pay for it?
Julia: That? ... It is a real Degas.
Eileen: Yeah.

Smash Music

  Song Artist
Song Never Give All the Heart Smash Cast
The National Pastime Smash Cast iTunes
Song Beautiful Smash Cast