(After Kenny has been struck by lightning)
Kyle: Oh my god, they killed Kenny!
Stan: You bastards!
Kelley: Who!? Who killed him!?
Kyle: They...uh, they did.
Kelly: Who's they!?
Stan: ..They're bastards...


Ms. Stevens

Cartman: So,are you going to see your girlfriend again?
Kenny: No, dude seriously.

(muffled) My name is Kenny Kenny no Kenny.

</i> Kenny

Cartman: (upon passing out from hunger) ...Need...food.
Construction worker: Get this child some food, quick!
Cartman: Chicken wings.

Mr. Mackey: Did you just flip me off?
Craig: No!
Mr. Mackey: Yes you did, you just flipped me the bird.

(the new and improved Getting Gay With Kids song)
You only fight these causes, because caring sells,
all you activists can go f(beep)k yourselves.

We're not getting gay with any kids, okay?

Militant Group Leader

Guide: Don't worry. The snake is more afraid of us than we are of it.
(Snake hisses and wraps itself around the Guide)
Cartman: (sarcastically) Oh yeah. The snake's really afraid of us.
(Snake swallows the Guide whole)
Miss Stevens: Is he dead?
(Guide's skeleton exits the snake)
Kyle: I would say yes.

(after the GGWK choir has been saved by the deforestation workers)
Ms. Stevens: So, what are you doing out here with all this equipment?
Worker: Oh, we're tearing down the rainforest to make room a lumber yard, do you have a problem with that or something?
Ms. Stevens: Me? Oh no, you go ahead and tear down this whole f**king thing!

South Park Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Stan: All we ever heard growing up was "save the rainforest. The rainforest is fragile."
Kyle: Yeah. Fragile, my ass!

Miss Stevens: OK children, we are lost so we have to stay together. Is everyone here?
Craig: I'm not.
Miss Stevens: Who's not? Who's not here?
Craig: Me.