Woman: Richard, you have to go on. I want you to be happy.
Adler: But I never got to say goodbye to you.
Woman: Then say it now, Richard.
Richard: Goodbye...
Woman: There. Now are you happy?
Adler: No
Woman: Of course you aren't. Saying goodbye doesnt mean anything. It's the times that we lived in that matters, not how we left it.
Adler: You're right... You're right!
Grandma: Richard! It's me! Grandma!
Adler: Grandma?! Hi, Gram
Corey: Hey, Richard! Remember me?!
Adler: Uncle Corey! Wow, you're all alive again!
Corey: No, we're dead!
Stan: Hey, guys. How are ya feeling?
Tweek: Ahh!
Craig: Uhh.
Stan: Yeah, well, we have something to say.
Kyle: We wanted to see who was the toughest. WE made you fight each other. WE made up all that stuff we said.
*Craig flips off boys*
Cartman: Yes, you can flip us off Craig, we deserve that. We just came by to apologize, we feel so bad.

Quit screwin' around.

Mr. Adler

Cartman: When I have you guy's 10 bucks I'm gonna use it to buy the sweetest big screen TV in the world.
Kyle: That's more than 10 bucks you stupid fat ass!
Cartman: But if I get 10 bucks from each of you that's like $2000.

Jimbo: You're in luck; Ned here used to be the state champion until a grenade blew his arm off.
Ned: Mm, I can still kick ass.

Well looks like we'll have to apply the Offenheimer technique. PUNCH HIM IN THE BALLS TWEEK!


Clyde: Hey what's going on?
Kyle: Tweek and Craig are gonna fight!
Clyde: Really? CoolIt's funny because Tweek and Craig both went home about 15 minutes ago.
Kyle: What?
Token: Yea, they left.

What you got beeyotch?


Cartman: Oh, you didn't see it? Tweek's family was on the news saying what a wuss you are Craig.
Kyle: Yea, and then Craig's family came on and said that Tweek was the wuss, and punched Tweek's mom in the hooters.
Tweek: Ahh! You son of a bitch.
Tweek and Craig start fighting again

Quit screwin' around. You're horsing!

Mr. Adler


Mr. Adler

Now Tweek, boxing is a man's sport. Nothing is more man than boxing. It is man at his most man.


Mr. Adler: Now, does anybody know why we have shop class? (Stan raises his hand) Yes?
Stan: Because we had to choose between this and home ec and we didn't want to be sissies?

South Park Season 3 Quotes

Stan: All we ever heard growing up was "save the rainforest. The rainforest is fragile."
Kyle: Yeah. Fragile, my ass!

Miss Stevens: OK children, we are lost so we have to stay together. Is everyone here?
Craig: I'm not.
Miss Stevens: Who's not? Who's not here?
Craig: Me.