Reverend: I thought it was a gift from God.
Sammy: Well, I guess God wanted it back.

I'm a gang detective. I can't have a f*ckin find my friend app on my phone.


Sammy: Thanks for coming with me.
Officer: Can't let you face those church ladies alone. Those b*tches are mean. My Momma's one.

Lydia: So, Fernandez goes to some management training retreat and now tweedle dee and dumber are in charge of finding a killer?
Josie: Hey, my kids didn't learn to clean their room until I stopped doing it for them.

Southland Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Lydia: So, Fernandez goes to some management training retreat and now tweedle dee and dumber are in charge of finding a killer?
Josie: Hey, my kids didn't learn to clean their room until I stopped doing it for them.

Sammy: Thanks for coming with me.
Officer: Can't let you face those church ladies alone. Those b*tches are mean. My Momma's one.