Noshiko: Tea?
Stiles: What, like magic tea?
Noshiko: No, Chamomile.

It's OK. It's OK, it's OK. It's OK, it's perfect. I'm in the arms of my first love. The first person I ever loved. The person I'll always love. I love you, Scott. Scott McCall.


Scott: I can't take your pain.
Allison: That's because it doesn't hurt.

I love you. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of us.


They'll find me. My friends are going to find me.


Coach: Sweetheart, do you want to tell me what insane asylum you escaped from?
Danny: Coach, insane asylum proper terminology anymore.
Coach: OK. Sweetheart, what nuthouse did you escape from?

Most of us were concentrated on the bizarre sight of a creature materializing out of the floor.


I don't want to kill ya Derek. Don't make me kill you, please.


Scott: What now?
Lydia: I don't know. This is my first time inside of someone else's head.

Peter: When are you people gonna start trusting me?
Scott: I meant him.
Peter: Oh.

Scott is gonna to try to dig through pale and sickly evil Stiles' mind to unearth pale and sickly real Stiles then guide him back through the depths of his own subconscious.


I guess this is the part where I say something witty. I'm not witty.


Teen Wolf Season 3 Quotes

Scott: Can we just drive, now, please?
Stiles: No. It's a red light.

And seriously, an American werewolf in London? Like that's not going to be a disaster.
