Now you listen to me! You and your men are going to cut this shit out, you're going to bury the hatchet, you're going to make a deal, or I promise you you will be swimming home.

Slattery [to Aguilar and Fuentes]

Maybe someday we'll see the end of war, but for now, we have to fight ... together.


Slattery: Any ideas?
Tom: One or two.
Slattery: Think they'll work?
Tom: Think they have to.

Slattery: How was your flight?
Tom: You have no idea.

Reiss: I hated ["Moby Dick"].
Meylan: It is a bit of a slog, sir.

We can't let [the Americans] have hope. And we can't let our people have doubt.

Tavo [to Martinez]

We just need to make [Mexico and Cuba] understand one simple fact. Alone neither country will last a week when Gustavo comes at them.


Hurrying would be good now. They're heading this way.

Adima [to Wolf]

Gen. DuFine: The President may have declared war, but right now we don't have a military to fight it. We've got nothing.
Tom: Not true. We've got Nathan James.

That [image] doesn't do it justice. They hit us hard.


Danny: The Venezuelan guerrilla? The man who burns people alive?
Marco: Don't worry. He doesn't do that to his friends.

My old SWO commander used to tell me if you're looking for sympathy, look in the dictionary between syphilis and shit.


The Last Ship Quotes

What do we tell the crew?
Chandler. Everything. We tell them everything.


Are you telling me the whole world is dying and they sent two people to save it?
