Page Six wouldn't say it if it isn't true.


Needless to say I'm impressed by your indifference to talent, experience and credentials and I assume the absence of the words truth, trust, and professionalism in your mission statement was an oversight.


Proud is generally what people pretend they are when they've lost.


You think it's possible I'm not as big a TV star as I thought?


That's because you live in the time of King Arthur with Don, Will, and Charlie.


The only way for you to get out of this conversation alive is to roll over, turn off the light and go to sleep.


This is a sad day for dignity. I'll need a dress.


I'm assuming you haven't come here to tell me you found $400 billion in the glove compartment.


A judge is the one who's suppose to decide not Matthew Broderick from War Games, not Neal and not me.


They had a solid warrant and a solid reason for seeking it. I'm not at all convinced we're the good guys.


How have neither of you in all this time absorbed any of the technology involved in broadcasting the news that you know, do?


You can save your students a lot of time. On the first day of class tell them they know the difference between right and wrong. Do what's right. They don't need a lawyer to tell them their moral absolutes and whenever you hear someone giving a monologue defending the ethics of their decision you can be pretty sure they know they were wrong.


The Newsroom Quotes

This is more than unprofessional, it's uncivilized and more than that, it's unprofessional.

First step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.
