Hi there. I'm on the Amazon. Not a lot of other Jews out here though.


Because of my daughter. God hates me. I know. Or he would have made her ugly.


Okay, that was pretty cool.


Remember when you said scars were sexy? Well, you're about to be a lot sexier.


People always tell me that they loved Emmet's show was not because of the travel or the adventure, but because they wanted to be a part of our own perfect little family. I mean, yeah, we had our problems, everybody does, sure, our secrets. Who doesn't?


There's magic out there. Well, it looks like he found it.


The further we go up the Bouina, the more physics breaks down. And reality gets so much bigger. I have to see it.


I know why you're out here in the middle of the jungle, willing to get yourself killed. No one comes out here for love. But guilt, that will get you to the Amazon.


I'm gettin' a shot of it. Lead camera man. There is a reason!


Clark: We need a new camera operator.
AJ: Well, the last one got his head taken off by a ghost, so good luck with that.

You should put the camera down and watch where you're walking Clark.


There is magic out there!
