Golem: I feel so guilty! I've mangled and maimed 37 people and I told a telemarketer I was busy when I wasn't! I'm not a good man.
Lisa: He sure is neurotic for a monster.

Bart: Finally someone who does whatever I say!
Milhouse: Hey, Bart. I shaved my head like you told me.
Bart: Get lost!
Milhouse: Yes, master!

Kearney: Yo, Simpson. Give us your lunch money!
Bart: Hmm... I don't think so. In fact, why don't you give me your lunch money?
Dolph: Who's gonna make us? That golem?
Bart: No, my gol--Yes, him.

In you go, boys. We've got everything--warm beds, square meals, homeless women.

</i> Mayor Quimby

(In "Married to the Blob," Dr. Phil and Homer's family try to intervene during an eating rampage.)
Dr. Phil: Homer, your family's here. And you've gotta help me help them help you help me help you.
Homer: Marge, I missed you. All this eating has put me in the mood for a little lovin' (Purrs sexily)
Marge: I have to be honest with you: I can't love a 4,000 ton cannibal.
Homer: What happened to "for better or for worse?!"
Bart: Dad, you're eating Dr. Phil.
Homer: (Licks fingers) It's amazing. He tastes just like Jeffery Tambor.
(Dr. Phil can be seen grunting and struggling inside Homer's stomach.)
Dr. Phil: Food does not equal love!
(Dr. Phil perishes inside Homer's stomach.)

(In "Married to the Blob," Dr. Phil confronts Homer during one of his eating rampages.)
Dr. Phil: You've got a weight problem, and you know it!
Homer: You're right. Starting tomorrow, no bread before dinner.
Dr. Phil: Homer, don't sell me an outhouse and tell me it's a Taj Mahal!
Chief Wiggum: Yeah, Homer, stop doing that!

(In "Married to the Blob," as Homer wanders through Springfield looking for things to eat, he happens upon a beach party full of teenagers.)
Homer: Ooh, teenagers! Mmm! (Gurgles and drools) No, today's teens have enough problems without me eating them!
Teenage Girl: Barbeque sauce fight!
(All the teens start squirting each other with Barbeque sauce, Squeaky Voiced Teen gets hit with some sauce and falls into a bonfire.)
Squeaky Voiced Teen: (Screaming) The flames are sealing in my juices!
Homer: I'll savor you!
(Homer grabs Squeaky Voiced Teen and takes a bite out of him.)
Homer: Mmm! Extra-virgin. (Gurgles and drools)
(Homer starts stuffing Squeaky Voiced Teen into his mouth.)
Squeaky Voiced Teen: (Screaming) Tell my friends I died kissing a girl!
Homer: No!
(Homer swallows Squeaky Voiced Teen.)

(In "Married to the Blob," after eating the green goo, Homer's stomach rumbles and he wakes up in a zombie-like trance.)
Homer: Must eat, then poop, then eat some more, then eat while pooping.
(Homer heads down to the kitchen and raids the refrigerator.)
Homer: (Panting) Still hungry.
(Bart stumbles into the kitchen to see what is going on.)
Bart: Dad?
Homer: Son, let me have a lick at you.
(Homer stuffs Bart into his mouth and tries to eat him. Marge walks into the kitchen and clicks on the light.)
Marge: Homer! You won't eat my stuffed peppers, but you'll eat our son?
Homer: Nag, nag, nag.
(Homer pulls a squirming Bart out of his mouth.)

Kodos: Colonel Kang, report.
Kang: What a day. You said we'd be greeted as liberators.
Kodos: Don't worry. We still have the people's hearts and minds. (Holds up a heart and brain)
Kang: I don't know. I'm starting to think "Operation: Enduring Occupation" was a bad idea.
Kodos: We had to invade! They were working on weapons of mass disintegration!
Kang: Sure, they were!

Kent Brockman: It's blob rule on the streets of Springfield! And to make matters worse, we're being attacked by a fifty-foot Lenny!
Fifty-Foot Lenny: Everyone's paying attention to Homer.
Carl: I still like you.
Fifty-Foot Lenny: Thanks, Invisible Carl!

The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 4 Quotes

Kodos: Colonel Kang, report.
Kang: What a day. You said we'd be greeted as liberators.
Kodos: Don't worry. We still have the people's hearts and minds. (Holds up a heart and brain)
Kang: I don't know. I'm starting to think "Operation: Enduring Occupation" was a bad idea.
Kodos: We had to invade! They were working on weapons of mass disintegration!
Kang: Sure, they were!

Kent Brockman: It's blob rule on the streets of Springfield! And to make matters worse, we're being attacked by a fifty-foot Lenny!
Fifty-Foot Lenny: Everyone's paying attention to Homer.
Carl: I still like you.
Fifty-Foot Lenny: Thanks, Invisible Carl!