Enzo: I heard you dropped out of school.
Caroline: And I heard that you were a lurker who was spying on my life.

I have super-sensitive hearing. I'm practically supernatural. Do you believe in the supernatural Ivy?


Damon [to Bonnie]: Did you ever think for one second that it's you being negative reacting to my natural self negatively?
Bonnie: You're ridiculous.
Damon: No I'm consistent.

What kind of coward gives up on his own brother?

Enzo [to Stefan]

Let me summarize them for you. You're a dick.

Caroline [to Stefan]

Elena/Katherine: Isn't this weird for you?
Stefan: It's incredibly weird. But I know my brother, and I know he's better with you than without you.

Aaron: Are you cleaning the fireplace?
Caroline: Yeah. You know. All those carcinogens.

You hired a vampire. Next time do a background check.


Cut him some slack. He lost his brother. Granted said brother was a soulless homicidal maniac, but still.

Elena [about Stefan]

First of all, don't nickname. That's my thing.


I would tell Elena how much I love her. And then apologize for killing you.

Damon [to Bonnie]

Elena: Jeremy why would you even risk it?
Jeremy: Because she looks good in a bikini.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Elena: You keep a journal?
Stefan: Memories are too important.

Elena, don't go to the bridge. It's Death, Elena. Your death is waiting there.
