Mary Louise: Since when do you eat disgusting garbage food?
Nora: Since I stopped caring about getting that exact reaction.

You know, we’re not meant to like each other, you and I, so thank you.

Caroline [to Valerie]

I’m not letting you kill an old woman whose cold-blooded, ruthless mission is to eat a gingersnap.

Bonnie [to Mary Louise]

You made a wrong turn, brother. This isn’t some hell survivor support group.


Julian: You’ve driven away every soul who has ever cared for you.
Damon: I guess I’ll have to cuddle up next to the fire with all my rage.

Enzo: You missed me! That warms my heart!
Bonnie: I didn’t miss you. I’m curious as to your recent whereabouts. There’s a difference.

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 12 Quotes

You know, we’re not meant to like each other, you and I, so thank you.

Caroline [to Valerie]

Mary Louise: Since when do you eat disgusting garbage food?
Nora: Since I stopped caring about getting that exact reaction.