Damon: My brother is sort of running his own show right now.
Elena: My brother just chopped of someone's head.

Damon: Take it from me: Strange is bad, dead is worse.

If I'm gonna feel guilty about something, I'm gonna feel guilty about this. [KISSES ELENA]


Jeremy: What's the point of this?
Tyler: The point is to get drunk and shoot stuff.

I can't drink all this by myself. I mean, I can. But then someone is getting naked.


Elena: The Stefan that we know is gone.
Bonnie: How is Damon handling that?
Elena: Damon is... Damon.

Your mom is not a problem. I compelled her to go to the church and pray for your friends.


I’m one hundred and sixty two years old and I’m going to a homecoming dance. I need better ties.


Humanity is a vampire’s greatest weakness. No matter how easy it is to turn it off, It keeps trying to fight its way back in. Sometimes I let it.


Damon: What the hell’s wrong with you? You’re not supposed to witchy migraine me.
Bonnie: You’re not supposed to kill Tyler.

Damon: We're never getting Elena back, yo uknow that, don't you?
Elena: Then we'll have to let him go.

We'll survive this. We always survive.


The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Quotes

It's your party. You can cry if you want to.


Hello, brother.
