Jim: You know, I find it best just to tell these bastards everything.
Christine: Drop the act. Junior told me everything
Jim: Glowing reviews I bet.

You know, I can handle good, and I can handle evil, but what I can't handle is desperate. You're in a position to tell me whatever I want to hear, but I ain't buyin'. No hard feelins.


That's the funny thing about dogs, they're a really good judge of character.


I still have a human being body Jim and it's tired.


This town's come so far. Most have completed their journey. Others have come so far. What about Joe and Norrie?


Julia: Listen to me James. you're sick. This isn't who you really are.
Junior: You're right. I'm something better. The James you know is gone. You caused a problem. Problems get reported to Christine. She'll know what to do with you.

Julia: Here boy. Indy.
Big Jim: That all you got? You gotta put your gut into it. INDY!!
Julia: He's a dog. He can hear us. I'm trying not to scare him away.
Big Jim: Indy's not a liberal. He doesn't get scared at everything. INDY!!
Julia: INDY!!!

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Christine is trying to keep us from having emotions because when our feelings surface, so does our humanity.


Oh, I wasn't wrong. The dome's here to protect. It's just not here to protect us.


Julia: I never knew what it looked like to be safe or in love until I met Barbie.
Big Jim: Look how that turned out.

Julia: Look at us! Two former enemies drinking at the end of the world.
Big Jim: Former?

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Jim: So this is my army? A cripple, two horny teenagers and a plucky newspaper girl?
Julia: We're the best you've got.
Jim: Yeah, the world's over.