Classic Margo...couldn't hear death if it was knocking on her door.

I'm a complete failure. My father was right about me when he looked me in the eye and said [starts panting].

Bear! Don't live! I can't go on without you being dead!

Thanks for the devagification.


Look at her, acting all innocent like she isn't cheating on Drew with some tramp!

She is swamping for this homewrecker.

There's a missing three minutes...just enough time for her to take a ride on some bank teller's moustache.

Working for him was what made you get all "kill-yourself-y" in the first place.

Arturo wants Joffrey to spend more time with the Ramos family so he can learn Spanish. What's next, landscaping camp?


Wilfred: It's not gay. It's funny. It's edgy.
Ryan: Wilfred, you put your penis in my mouth while I was asleep. Then you took a picture of it and put it on a coffee mug.

It's true. I do talk to Wilfred. He's the only one that's actually helping me.


Your face is the saddle Jenna's been giddy-upping on?

Wilfred (to Ryan)

Wilfred Quotes

Ryan: I thought it would make me sound Effete.
Wilfred: So does saying the word "effete."

Ryan: Get off.
Wilfred: I'm trying to!