90210 News

90210 Review: Sweating the Details...

90210 Review: Sweating the Details...

90210 took its females off to a sweat lodge his week, where secrets were revealed and affairs were completed. What did you think of the latest episode?
Posted in: 90210

90210 Round Table: "Liars"

90210 returned this week with the episode "Liars." Our staff picks it apart in the latest edition of the TV Fanatic Round Table.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Music: "Liars"

90210 Music: "Liars"

90210 featured a number of similar storylines on "Liars" this week. It also featured a slew of new singles.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: PTSD for Everyone!

90210 Review: PTSD for Everyone!

90210 returned this week with an episode that focused on a number of similar storylines. Viewers also said goodbye to Mr. Canon and to Teddy's major secret.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Plans Trip to Mexico

90210 Plans Trip to Mexico

The 90210 crew will head to Mexico for spring break this year. Find out now what will happen there with Teddy and two female characters.
Posted in: 90210


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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