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All My Children
March 26, 2008 Recap

Today on All My Children, Opal shows Robert in for the big celebration and Adam welcomes him and again thanks the "hero" for saving Colby's life though Tad remains suspicious. Robert smugly announces that he's thinking of staying in Pine Valley. JR tries to convince Babe to play a game of cards but she refuses.

Colby lights up when Frankie stops by the mansion with a present. On the phone, Robert assures someone he'll stay in Pine Valley until Jesse gives him what he wants. Amazed as they prepare to leave the house and walk out in public together for the first time in many years, Angie assures Jesse they're not dreaming.

When they meet Derek at the station house, the two spot Jesse's photo amongst the other officers who gave up their lives in the line of duty.

Derek assures the two that except for a few loose ends, the Rafael drug lord case is all but closed. Jesse and Angie are touched when the officers at the station house welcome Jesse back. As Samuel tries to convince them they will find Erica, Kendall and Greenlee worry when Zach confirms that Carmen took one of the guards' guns.

Carmen prevents Erica from taking her gun as she sleeps and warns her that she's in charge and is intent on finding her boyfriend "Mando" and killing him.

The two stop at a convenience store for food. Seeing Samuel and Kendall on a televised news conference, Erica uses a lipstick to leave behind a clue about her kidnaping. Carmen then forces her charge to hop a ride on a truck headed for Chicago. The clerk calls Zach about the note.

Until next time on All My Children ...

All My Children
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