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Erica orders Liza to get away from Colby. Colby asks Erica to leave them alone.

She then asks her mother to explain what she did the night Stuart was murdered. Liza describes how she found the gun and then the letters in the drawer.

She insists that she didn't see the shooting but did hear the gunshot.

Pete interrupts and after Liza leaves, leaks that the blood found on the letters is Stuart's.

He claims this is proof that Liza killed Stuart.

Confronted by Ryan with the drawing Emma made, Annie reveals how she ran into JR and then Adam at the Chandler mansion that night.

She admits that Emma saw her holding a gun while they were hiding in the attic. Later, Adam asserts to Ryan that Annie did not shoot his brother.

Meeting Marissa for the first time as he dines with Amanda at the yacht club, Jake warns their waitress that he will not allow David to take Amanda's baby from her.

Tad takes Krystal from David's place and brings her to the club where she confirms for Marissa David's interest in the baby.

Marissa suggests to Krystal that she can fill the hole in David's life.

A drunk David imagines seeing Babe who urges him to do the right thing. He's touched later when Marissa arrives to take care of him.

After their impromptu wedding, Zach urges Kendall to go be with Ryan while he and Angie stay with Ian. Erica runs into Kendall and offers to watch Ian for the night so that Kendall and Zach can go home and "rest."

She's astounded to hear Kendall is going to be with Ryan instead. Liza comes on to Zach but he shows the ring as proof he's a married man again.

Until tomorrow on All My Children ...

All My Children
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