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Kyle never wanted tattoos so he would look professional when he became an engineer. With his friends' body parts, he gained their tattoos. One on his arm and one on his ankle. He freaked out when he saw them. Zoe wants to trust him and unlocks him and brings him to the Academy. She tries to teach him basic words. When Cordelia wants to talk to Zoe, Madison offers to watch him. 

Madison's been looking for a way to feel something ... anything since she came back to life. Drugs, food, flame. None of them made her feel. Zoe returns to find Madison and Kyle having sex. She's upset and runs away. Later Madison finds her and says she won't give him up but they can share him. They go to see Kyle and all three of them go to bed.

Cordela runs into Madison in the hall and has a vision of her death. She knows that Fiona killed Madison. She talks to Zoe to warn the teen that Fiona will kill Zoe for them. They must kill Fiona.

Zoe goes to Spalding to get confirmation that Fiona killed Madison. She found his tongue in the cubby and reattached it. Myrtle never had the power to reattach it but it was still enchanted. He told the truth and then Zoe killed him.

Fiona goeshome with the Axeman. He killed a guy and took over his place. He seduces Fiona. She resisted at first but eventually gave in. It was powerful sex. She struggles with her health situation and her hair falling out. She goes to leave and he tells her he's been watching over her since she was a child. He felt like a father to her and then it turned sexual as she grew older. She leaves him, but then goes to find him playing in a club that night. 

Queenie goes to see Marie Laveau about leaving the Coven and joining them. Marie says that she could be part of their family if she turned over Delphine. Queenie complied. She asks Delphine the worst thing she ever did. Delphine tells of the time she killed her husband's baby with a servant and then the mother committed suicide. That's enough to convince Queenie to turn her over. She takes Delphine to get her hair done and Marie Laveau confronts her.

American Horror Story
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