"January 5, 2009"

Henry enjoys signing copies of his new book at the diner. Mr. Peacock asks for five copies but wants Vienna to sign them. Seeing Casey...

"January 14, 2009"

Brian finds Lucinda shredding his things at the Worldwide office. She's ridding herself of everything about him. Brian tries to convinc...

"October 22, 2009"

Captive Katie tries to slow down her labor. Henry warns Margo that Katie and her baby are in danger. Katie imagines Brad is with her, encouraging her to go...

"July 24, 2009"

Emily warns Hunter that he can't keep the ashes of his mom at work. Hunter hints that Emily knows nothing about the Internet. Hearing Dusty's taking full r...

"June 1, 2009"

Paul guesses to Rosanna that Meg is using him to try to hurt him. Bonnie tries to convince Dusty that Paul is long gone. However, he wan...

"February 18, 2009"

Katie reacts to getting her period. Brad assures her that in a couple of months, they'll try again. While Katie decides to go see a fer...

"August 27, 2009"

Jack and Brad welcome Seth back. Emma's relieved to see her son is back. He gives Meg a hard time after she reveals that she's with Damian now. When he sto...

"July 15, 2009"

Noah complains about not being able to finish a project in time to graduate. Luke pulls out a script he wrote last year and offers it. Noah runs to his adv...

"May 20, 2009"

Damian guesses that Paul may be planning to leave town. Paul clears out his bank account and heads to the airport. There, he hires a pri...

"October 28, 2009"

Barbara stuns Dusty with news that Brad died from gunshot wounds. She pushes him to go to Margo with what he knows. As he holds her at gunpoint at Metro, T...

As the World Turns Quotes

Noah: You know if I do stay here, I do have one condition
Luke: Oh yeah? Whats that?
Noah: You better not hog all the covers.

Noah: Do you just not like me?
Luke: No, I like you Noah.
Noah: Then why do you keep pushing me away?
Luke: Because...I like you Noah.
Noah looks surprised.
Luke: Yeah, like that.