October 8, 2007 Pic
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... As the World Turns ...

... At the hospital Dusty tells a police officer that Colonel Mayer shot him and also killed Cheri. As Holden and Lily run to find their son, Holden points out that they can't find him because of Lily. Win takes aim at Luke (Van Hansis) with his rifle but Luke spots him and tries to take the weapon away from him. Lily, Holden and Noah find them fighting....

... Holden jumps the colonel but Win shakes him off and shoots Luke. Holden grabs Win and takes the rifle away. Win angrily tells his son that he did this for him... Win then runs off while Lily finds their son on the ground, bleeding and not moving. At the hospital later, Bob advises Lily and Holden that the surgery will take a long time....

.... After he asks his mom to help him with a school project, J.J. worries when Carly has a "spell." She lectures him that he is not supposed to take care of her. Jack advises Katie that he can't be concerned with buying a new house now because of Carly. Katie offers her help with the kids and heads over to Carly's with Brad....

... But when Katie invites the teen to the studio for a surprise, J.J. angrily refuses to go anywhere with them. Brad quietly asks Carly to allow Katie to help but Carla viciously claims that Katie's just trying to take her son from her. Carly finally pushes J.J. to go after learning that he'll be meeting ex-quarterback Phil Simms there but J.J. blows up at Carly at the station house anyway...

... Margo advises Jack that he's trying to hide from Katie (Terri Colombino) that he's helping his ex-wife for the kids' sake as well as Carly's. Jack watches the video Carly made for him. Afterwards, Carly asks Jack to kiss her. Getting the news about Dusty, Margo rushes to the hospital where he explains Win killed his ex-wife so that Noah wouldn't learn that Cheri was his mother. Margo chastises him for making his own decisions and getting hurt because he wasn't honest with her...

... Until the Next Episode of As the World Turns ...

As the World Turns
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