Will Danny and the Reagans keep their emotions in check when Linda's life is on the line? Watch Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 22 Online here at TV Fanatic.

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Curtis shoots and kills Hector in his hospital bed, then runs off. Linda manages to get up off the floor to try to save him along with the rest of the trauma team. After Hector is pronounced dead, a doctor realizes that Linda is bleeding. She's been shot twice in the back and is rushed into surgery. When she wakes up, the entire Reagan family is in her room. One bullet was removed but the other is too close to her spine to be touched. Danny and Baez find Curtis trying to flee the state but he won't turn on the Warrior Kings because they've threatened his mother. Later, Danny figures out a unique way to get Curtis to confess and give up Mario Hunt, the man who killed Chief Kent. Mario runs from the police which leaves him dangling from a roof top. Danny saves his life. With confessions from both Curtis and Mario, Frank visits the head of the Warrior Kings, Clinton Wallace, in prison to give him the news. Even though New York doesn't have the death penalty, Chief Kent also worked for the DEA which means the case can be moved to federal court where the death penalty applies.
Watch Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 22 Online here at TV Fanatic.

Episode Details

On the conclussion of the two part season finale, Danny must keep his emotions in check as he investigate the shooting of a Reagan in Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 22.

Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (45 Votes)
Blue Bloods
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Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 22 Quotes

Doing the right thing is rarely easy.


Frank: What are you trying to do, join the family business?
Linda: Well, as another Reagan once said, Honey I forgot to duck.