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Dexter tracks Travis to a yacht this week, where he presumes he has found his next victim. He's correct, but he's also too late to stop it and he also discovers evidence of the next attack: it will be gas-based.

Dexter is convinced by Harry to anonymously calls the cops in order to warn them.


- Travis tracks down a couple who has posted on Gellar's blog. He recruits them as disciples. The man is killed by Dexter aboard the yacht, but the woman is still alive and helps Travis knock out Batista when he arrives to question her. Travis takes that as a sign that Miami PD should be the target of the next attack.

- Louis shows his video game to Dexter, but he shoots down the idea of players being able to actually become famous serial killers.

- Deb learns that Matthews sent flowers to the dead call girl the morning she was killed.

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