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Guiding Light
Episode Recap
June 12, 2008

Today on Guiding Light, Marina brings a box of snacks to Company for tonight's poker party.

Buzz explains to Lizzie that it's the same night at Bill and Dinah's big gala to show everyone how rick they are. Surprised to hear about Bill's plans, Lizzie turns down an offer to play.

Ava boasts to her mother about moving into the Spaulding mansion with Bill and Dinah. Olivia tells her to "go for it."

Later, when Ava explains to Bill that she can't abandon her mother and sister, Bill invites her to move them to the mansion too.

Lizzie watches from the gate as Dinah and Bill practice for their party tonight. Later, Lizzie offers to help Dinah with the party preparations but she refuses as long as Lizzie is suing them.

Dinah then orders security to make sure Lizzie is not allowed on the property. Lizzie ends up drinking shots with Remy at the Towers, complaining about having her "legacy" stolen from her.

As they await their guests, Dinah's thrilled when her brother presents her with Spaulding jewelry but then changes her atittude when Bill announces that Olivia is moving in with Ava.

She claims the house isn't big enough for her and Olivia but then turns around and greets Olivia warmly. Upset by the numerous no shows, Ava suggests to Bill that people like to come late to parties.

Bill points out that none of his relatives are here.

A drunk Remy and Lizzie make their way into the mansion and crash the party. Lizzie is disgusted to recognize Dinah's necklace and earrings as being a Spaulding heirloom.

She pulls Bill aside and claims there is still time for them to be happy. Pointing out there is a baby involved now, Bill rejects her and then announces that he and Ava are going to marry.

As Mallet stumbles to admit to Buzz and Frank that he and Marina are "involved," Frank admits that she's finally dating someone he likes.

Until tomorrow on Guiding Light ...

Guiding Light
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