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Cassie's neighbor Harris warns her that he was robbed of his sound system and urges her to keep her doors locked.

As a hidden Cyrus smirks, Harris also invites her to move in with him to stay safe.

Cassie follows Cyrus as he meets his brother who boasts of an easy armored car job that will enable them to leave Springfield.

Cyrus points out the danger involved so Grady runs off, disgusted.

While Alexandra, Beth and Lizzie try to get Alan to remember who they are, Bill meets with Lawrence Decker about being his point man for the project.

Lawrence explains that he's making the deal because of Lizzie.

Just then, Lizzie calls and offers him a higher price on the deal if he signs the deal today.

Not telling them they are bidding against each other, Decker gets them going higher and higher until he gets a great offer.

Reading about the Decker/Spaulding deal, Dinah returns to the mansion where she gets past Hilda and then does enough snooping to realize that Bill and Lizzie are not romantically involved.

She finds Bill saying goodbye to Decker at the Towers bar. She warns Decker about making any deal with her brother because he and Lizzie constantly argue.

He responds that he enjoys the way those two work and refuses to heed her warnings. Decker then calls Bill and Lizzie to let them know how they outbid each other.

As they argue, their anger turns passionate and they start kissing outside Alan's hospital room as a disgusted Dinah sneaks a peek.

Dinah asks Grady to break up Lizzie and Bill.

Alexandra and Beth are encouraged to hear Alan say "Elizabeth."

After answering correctly many questions from Rick, Alan later whispers to Bill that his "free ride" is over.

Until tomorrow on Guiding Light ...

Guiding Light
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