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PART I: Jared threatens to spill Nigel's secret unless he gets a piece. John and Ramsey go to Ireland to continue the search for Cole and his mother. Blair (Kassie DePaiva) and Todd return for Thanksgiving and find Starr (Kristin Alderson) in a deep funk about her missing boyfriend. Alex tells David she's leaving him because he cheated on her. Nash cautions Natalie that getting involved with Jared would be a mistake.

PART II: Clint and Dorian fight as he says he's done with her playing him for a fool. Marty confesses to Cole (Brandon Buddy) that his dad was killed. Upon learning Asa's long-lost son is entitled to a seat on the board, Jared decides to pass himself off as the unknown - and threatens Nigel if he won't play along. John finds a clue in Patrick's poetry. Todd tries to keep his daughter's hopes afloat. Alex drops a bombshell on David, who cannot bear the thought that his bride is penniless. Later, Alex accidentally runs Dorian down in the darkness...

One Life To Live
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