September 24, 2007 Picture
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Part One
Jessica admits to Natalie how Tess put Jared in jail. Meanwhile, Nash demands answers from his new business partner about the photo on his cell phone. Though Will frantically urges his mother to recant, Lindsay repeats her assertion that she's guilty of murdering Spencer. Todd (Trevor St. John) suggests to Blair that he can gain custody of his son if they remarry.

Part Two
At Rodi's, Jared bitterly informs Nash how he came to Llanview to take revenge on the woman who ruined his life. Reminding Todd how he paid Tea $5 million to help him keep Starr, Blair demands to be compensated equally as well for assisting in his quest to obtain Tommy. Jessica and Natalie break up a fistfight between Jared and an enraged Nash (Forbes March).

Part Three
Lindsay tells the judge she hated Dr. Truman because he refused to keep mum about the McBains' adopted son. Blair points out to Todd how bad they are together but he continues to press her to tie the knot once more. Michael and Rex (John-Paul Lavoisier) hold their breath as Lindsay unreels her sordid tale before a courtroom full of spellbound spectators.

Part Four
Jessica sheepishly confesses to Nash how her alter ego hooked up with Jared during Tess' hard drinking days in Atlantic City. Describing how she found Spencer on the verge of raping Blair, Lindsay reveals that she grabbed the scissors and repeatedly stabbed him. Blair agrees to enter into a marriage of convenience with Todd but on her terms. Jessica is shocked to learn that Tess' "prank" sent Jared to prison for two long years. With Lindsay in a near-catatonic state, her attorney requests she be remanded to St. Ann's for a psychiatric evaluation.

One Life To Live
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