Will at Work
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We learned a lot more about various characters and the jobs/lives they lead on this episode. Here's what went down...

... Will traveled to DC with his boss, Truxton. We saw how adept the latter was at sweet talking members of the armed forces and National Security Council, selling them all on Will and on the think tank in general. Truxton clearly enjoys this line of work; specifically, he later tells Will as they bond, the solitude of it.

... Back at the office, Will's team was forced to come to a key decision without him: should they green light the assassination of an Al-Qaeda operative? They had to consider intelligence reports and collateral damage and arrive at a unanimous decision. Tanya and Miles struggled the most with this assignment, but they all eventually gave their okay. The next day, they simply heard the attack was carried out and went back to focusing on other work.

... Will met the eyes of a neighbor more than once and waved at her.

.. Katherine heard the voicemail of a man from James on the phone of her late husband. It said: "If you keep this up, you know what's gonna happen."

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