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The Bold and the Beautiful
Friday, June 27
Episode Recap

Today on The Bold and the Beautiful ...

Confronting her sister, Phoebe leaks to Steffy that she is making a big mistake in wanting to date Marcus. She admits that she overheard them at Bikini Beach and took care of telling the rest of the family about Donna's big lie.

Astounded to learn that Marcus is Donna's son, Eric points out that this is something a wife should tell her husband before they marry. As Thorne smiles with Ridge and Felicia, Donna admits he's correct.

Donna explains that she gave up her baby for adoption so she wouldn't disgrace her family. Marcus goes on to admit that he hired a private investigator who found her.

When Ridge claims that Donna deceived them, she states that she had to because of all of them and their vow to make sure Eric's marriage failed. Steffy interrupts and defends Marcus.

Ridge questions her loyalty but Steffy insists it's not any of their business. Marcus tells Eric that his only goal is pleasing Eric and states that no matter what happens to him in all of this, he asks Eric to do what's right for his marriage and the woman who "loves him like crazy."

Eric calls Donna "foolish" for not bringing Marcus to him. He then lays into Ridge, Thorne and Felicia for looking for a scandal where there isn't one. He also assures Marcus that he's not a scandal.

Later, Ridge orders Steffy to stay away from Marcus. Brooke points out to Stephen that Beth is leaving for Paris tomorrow. Sending Brooke out, Stephen points out to Beth that this is a strange way to be acting and asks her what's wrong.

When Brooke stuns her with Beth's decision, Katie is shocked and states that she can't leave her. Katie confronts Beth and challenges her claim that she will come back.

She asks if she'll at least come back for her funeral.

As Katie berates her, Beth leaks that she had a series of strokes and is losing all of her memories because she's in the early stages of dementia. Claiming she doesn't want to be a burden, Beth asks Katie to let her go.

Until next week on The Bold and the Beautiful!

The Bold and the Beautiful
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