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Lea asks Shaun how he's feeling. He just wants to make her feel better.

On the bus, Claire teases Lim about her new beau. Lim ignores her and announces they are doing the three easiest surgeries first. However, it is not so simple when there is a power failure.

The generator has failed and the doctors must find a way to save the patients without any electricity. Andrews thinks they should try again tomorrow. Shaun disagrees -- that will risk other patients' lives. Shaun visualises an ultrasound and gets an idea what to do.

Lea talks with the mother of a new baby whose baby has low oxygen. She translates Spanish for the audience. The woman asks her in English to stay.

Andrews wants to wait a few more minutes to see if the power comes back on. Shaun vetoes that idea and feels the tumor under his fingers. The lights come back on.

Lim and the sexy director are in bed. He speaks English well because he went to school in California.

Andrews talks with the boy with a swollen face, with a doctor translating. Later, he is impressed with the doctor. She is sure if he wanted to flirt he'd take off his wedding ring.

Claire tells a patient's daughter not to be nervous and that she probably saved her mom's life. The girl says her mom only got the operation because someone else got sick and lost his place. Claire reassures her that she's a good person.

Andrews and Shaun go on with the operation. The tumor is worse than they thought. THe hospital doesn't have the right supplies for removing it safely. A doctor who works there has a friend at a private hospital and can get the supplies in an hour.

Andrews says his wife would be fine with flirting. A few days ago she decided to move out and is seeing someone so he came down to decide whether he wanted to make his marriage work. He flirted because he wanted to feel wanted and feel good. The other doctor thinks he wants to make his marriage work.

Claire has some toys for the kids in the pediatric ward. The girl from  before helps her give them out.

There's a patient Andrews and the doctor can't help. Andrews offers his wedding ring to help pay for the operation.

The baby has to go on a ventilator.

In the US, Glassman gets a video call from Shaun, who wants to know how to make Lea less sad.

Lim asks Osma how he ended up in Guatemala. He jokes that it's just a fling (again). Seriously, it's a good job. He says she's only here for a week so they don't need to bare their souls to each other. He wants to know what she's hiding. Why are they having this conversation? She wants to know what he thinks she's hiding. He says she has nightmares, exercises all the time, and ignores alarms. She doesn't want to talk anymore.

A doctor encourages Claire. She goes into surgery and discovers the woman has gallbladder cancer. Andrews thinks it's too risky for Claire to move forward with surgery. Lim says the woman will die either way so why not let Claire?

Lea learns the doctors took the ventilator from the baby because others needed it. She will stay as long as it takes.

A hernia patient has returned because he reherniated after he went back to work. Morgan wants him to get a new surgery. Park doesm't. Morgan says she can do the surgery on Leon and thinks she can do it without any pain.

Claire's operation begins.

So does Morgan's. Morgan appears to be in a bit of pain.

There are complications with the case Lim is working on. She blurts out to Osma that she has PTSD in between surgical directions.

Lea tries to convince the mother to sleep. She gets her to agree to 10 minutes and promises she'll rest next.

Morgan's hand starts seizing up but she insists she's fine. Park shows up. He's done and can take over. Morgan steps back and lets him. She walks off upset.

Shaun comes to see Lea and take over pumping oxygen for the baby.

Claire's patient starts crashing. Claire doesn't know why.

Claire tells Shaun her patient has minutes to live. Shaun isn't sure what the cause is. It could be one of two things. Claire's intuition is the stomach is the problem but she defers to Shaun. Shaun repeats Glassman's advice : you are better at this than you think.

Claire decides to check out the stomach.

Park tells Morgan she did good work and he just had to close. Morgan tells him she needs a friend. She hates failing. Park laughs. She didn't fail. She never does.

Claire tells the girl that her mom came through surgery fine.

Shaun tells the mother that the baby should be able to breathe on her own now.  The mother still doesn't want Lea to leave. She wants Lea to hold her baby first. Lea does.

Andrews gives Sebastian a baseball... and a hug. Claire is smiling too. A family thanks Morgan. Andrews hugs the female doctor he has been working for. Shaun says goodbye to a farmer. Lea sleeps on Shaun's arm in a bus. Park and Morgan sit together and Morgan apologizes for being weird for a year. She wishes Park and Heather the best. Park says he broke up with Heather last night. He loves Morgan. She thinks she loves him too (!!)

Osma tells Lim he has a warrant out for his arrest because he skipped a court date for pot possession and assaulting a cop when he was a resident. If he gets it straightened out can he come visit?

Another doctor wants Claire to stay in Guatemala. Lim encourages her to take the job. Claire doesn't think she's ready. She doesn't speak Spanish an just started a relationship with her dad. Lim thinks this is the right place for Claire.

Claire hugs Morgan goodbye. Andrews says she was too good for them anyway. She hugs Lea. Shaun is sad but thinks people should move forward and hopes that's what she's doing. Claire thinks she is. He has never hugged her. She hugs him anyway.

Lea has decided not to go to Hershey. She wants to be with Shaun for the rest of her life. She asks him to marry her.

Claire starts her new job.



The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 4 Episode 20 Quotes

Andrews: Maybe we should close her up and do this tomorrow.
Shaun: It would be fatal. Not to her, but to a patient down the line that we'd have to drop.

Lim: What?
Claire: You're smiling. [pause] Oh my God. YES!!! I approve.