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Mary is overwhelmed by the fact that her 23 year old daughter Lolly has moved back home, along with her large, furry, semi-housebroken dog.

She begs her husband Rich to let her have housekeeper Rosa 5 days a week instead of 3 because it is all just too much.

It is Michaele's birthday, we see an elaborate display of expensive goodies that Tareq has brought home for his waify bride.

But she can only choose one thing! Not to worry because he also bought her a pony!

Good thing because she has a playdate lined up with Cat and Mary to ride horses together. 

Stacy has invited everyone to dinner - but decides that her aunt Frances is a better cook than she is, so they all go to her house for some down-home southern cooking.

The men share an awkward moment in the basement (see below). Cat offends Stacie with her rude brittish-ness and leaves before dessert!

Oh, it is also stylist Paul Wharton's birthday. Michaele decides she has to throw him a party, because there hasn't been a party yet in this episode.

The Real Housewives of D.C.
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