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Harbard appears in the great hall, and once again takes little Ivar the Boneless' pain away. Siggy recognizes the man's gifts, but remains skeptical of him. She asked Harbard if he was a God, which of course he denied. Who is he?

In the Vikings camp, Poruun was suffering terribly. Aside from her severely scarred face, she fears Bjorn will no longer marry her. For now, it seems he still loves her, but their fate remains uncertain. Did she lose the baby?

Ragnar's decisions and their fighting for the English continues to upset Floki, but Rollo begins seeing the bigger picture, talking of alliances. Floki can't help but plant a few seeds of distrust, he honestly feels they are betraying their Gods.

Back in Mercia, Kwenthrith listened to Ragnar's advice. He warned that her brother is weak. "He is just a puppet, and he will be your downfall" Ragnar told her. Kwentrith doesn't trust Ecbert and made an attempt to forge an alliance with the viking King.

Elsewhere, our ex-monk finally made love to Princess Judith and the two professed their love for one another.

Though Lagertha was enjoying her "friends with benefits" relationship with King Ecbert, there's no love there. She made it very clear that Ecbert cares about himself above all else. Lagertha was determined to return home to take care of her people.

The victorious Wessex/Viking forces returned and were greeted with a huge celebration. Everyone was enjoying the moment, but Floki refused to take part in the festivities.

Athelstan planned to leave England and King Ecbert was not pleased, so he threatened the ex-monk. Ragnar told Athelstan he was free to choose his own path.

Later, Ragnar questioned Ecbert about his plans for Mercia. He told the English king that ultimately he will rule, for he gave them the crown. "Do you think you’re a good man?" Ragnar asked Ecbert. The king replied saying he believed he was. However, the two leaders agreed they are both corrupt as well.

Kwentrith stands to make a speech, and thanks everyone present for bringing peace to Mercia. She speaks of her love for her younger brother, and raises her glass to toast their future. However, there was no future for Burgred, as Kwentrith poisoned his wine and proclaimed herself the sole ruler of Mercia.

This turn of events caused everyone present to spill their cup of wine. Better safe than sorry I always say.

In Scandinavia, Kalf met with a special guest, King Horik's only surviving son, Erlendur, and Jarl Borg’s former wife. Yes, Kalf's anti-Lothbrok alliance is beginning to take shape.

In Kattegat, while Aslaug made love to Harbard, her children ran out into the middle of a frozen lake. Siggy had a bad omen and chased after them.

Ultimately, the ice broke and Siggy dived in after them. Though she saved the boys lives, a vision of her deceased daughter called her home. Siggy smiled and decided to let go. Harbard is present, and watched her go peacefully under water. He later tells Aslaug and Helga that Siggy is happy in Valhalla with her family.

"Who are you?" Helga asks. "Just a wanderer" he replies ominously and vanishes.

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Vikings Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Ragnar: Your brother is weak. He is just a puppet, and he will be your downfall.
Kwentrith: Ragnar what do you think about Ecbert? Do you believe him?
Ragnar: Should I not?
Kwentrith: He's always acted in his own interests. He wants power over me, and over Mercia.
Ragnar: I did not fight for him. I fought for my people and for you.

Lagertha: You ruined it.
Ragnar: Ah yes, but Princess Kwentrith gave me some of her medicine.