17 Characters Who Have Way Too Much Power

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We've all been there. Watching a TV show and wondering why a character has all the power. In some cases the character brings little to the show, aside from calling the shots. 

Power can come in many forms. It's not all physical, though, there's no denying Klaus from The Originals is one of the most powerful dudes around. Then there's Annalise from ABC's sophomore hit How To Get Away With Murder. She's manipulative as hell, but why is she constantly covering for the Keating five?

Have a look through our slideshow for the full run down of the characters who have too much power on TV. 

1. Lucious Lyon - Empire

He may have done a stint behind bars and still had a lot of power. Heck, he managed to get someone killed who posed as a threat to his family. He'll now return to rule the Empire and piss his family off in the process. If that ain't too much power, then I don't know what is.

2. Chanel Oberlin - Scream Queens

Emma Roberts is owning her role as the Queen B on Fox's buzzy new drama, but she has a little too much power. Who in their right mind should have the right to change their minion's names? No one. It's obvious her money is getting her ahead of the game, but she needs taken down another few pegs.

3. A - Pretty Little Liars

Yes, we finally know the identity of the omni present psycho who has been terrorizing the gals for six and a half seasons, but you've got to wonder where she got all of her stalking tips from. Her power may have been stopped in it’s tracks, but there’s no denying the effects she's had on these girls with stay with them for years to come.

4. Annalise Keating - How To Get Away With Murder

She's one of the most manipulative people on TV in recent memory. She can effortlessly turn any evidence into something major and she even has a group of minions in the Keating Five. She also has Bonnie killing for her and good old Frank hiding the bodies. She's also got a weird hold over Wes that I’m expecting to be explored somewhat later this season.

5. Hap Briggs - Blood and Oil

Hap seems like he could buy and sell anyone he speaks to. Whenever someone tries to counter him, he promises to increase his fee every time the other person counters his offer. He has cut off his son and is the go to guy for all things oil in North Dakota.

6. Wells - The Flash

Wells is the reverse flash and was fooling poor Barry Allen for much of the freshman run, but will Wells manage to rise from the ashes and go after Barry once more? We don't quite know that yet!

7. Ra's Al Ghul - Arrow

He's gone for now, but this dude seriously had a lot of power. He could easily kill someone off and even had the League of Assassins in his back pocket. We still don’t know why he chose Oliver to be his successor, but he was engaging enough to watch.

8. Elliot - Mr. Robot

Mr Robot surprisingly became the hottest new show of the summer thanks to the performance from Rami Malek as Elliot. He may be one of the most socially awkward guys on the silver screen, but he's one of the best hackers in the world. He even went as far as reading his therapist's email on a regular basis and knew EVERYTHING about her.

9. Klaus Mikaelson - The Originals

Klaus is pretty much a ticking time bomb. Sure, he can be nice, but get on the wrong side of him, he'll kill you and everyone you've ever laid eyes on. He's a treacherous character, but we've saw layers of this character that span several centuries, so we know that he went through to become this thing he is today.

10. Cersei Lannister - Game of Thrones

Cersei obviously relishes having a lot of power. It's a trait that runs through the Lannister family's veins. She was taken down a few pegs in the most recent season, but it means we need to prepare for the beast that's going to rise when the show returns. Her icy stare could easily wipe out the white walkers!

11. Noah Soloway - The Affair

Noah is probably one of the worst betrayers of power. He's cheated on his wife and pretty much made his family hate him. It's clear Helen would run back to him in a heartbeat, but he also has Alison. He's the one with the power in all of this and it isn't pretty. Helen needs to grow a back bone like, last season.

12. Bonnie Bennett - The Vampire Diaries

Bonnie is the Queen of the loophole. She's the chick who always finds a way to miraculously rewrite the rules of the show. Annoying? Yes. It's been done to death and I hope with Elena out of the way, Bonnie gets a more natural character development.

13. Rumple - Once Upon A Time

We've spoke about the Queen of the loophole, so we might aswell throw the King in, too. Rumple has pretty much had an answer for everything since the show kicked off. Now, that he's getting to live a dark free life, I hope his knowledge is somewhat suppressed.

14. Lexa - The 100

The ruler of the grounders played a lot of dirty, dirty moves to save her people and ultimately turned her back on the grounder's alliance with the sky people. I'm betting she will pay a hefty price when Clarke catches up with her.

15. Dexter Morgan - Dexter

No one should have the right to end a person's life. Dexter may have appeared as a vigilante by taking out the bad guys in sick ways, but at the end of the day, he brutally butchered people. Regardless of what they did, there's a justice system for a reason.

16. Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead

Rick was one of the strongest characters in the early days of The Walking Dead, but he's slowly slipping into mediocrity. He shouldn't be leading people anymore. It's about time he passed the torch into someone elses more capable hands. Let's hope people officially break away from him in Season 6.

17. Norman Bates - Bates Motel

Norman has this weird hold over everyone and it isn't healthy. His relationship with his mother is weird and he even tried on her dress. Norman needs to get a taste of his own medicine and have everyone like ignore him for a few days and not let him manipulate them.

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Multi-Show, Photo Galleries
Empire, Scream Queens, Pretty Little Liars, How to Get Away with Murder, Blood and Oil, The Flash, Arrow, Mr. Robot, The Originals, Game of Thrones, The Affair, The Vampire Diaries, Once Upon a Time, The 100, Dexter, The Walking Dead, Bates Motel
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