When Going Off the Rails Makes Excellent TV

When Going Off the Rails Makes Excellent TV

When shows run for multiple seasons, they typically digress from their original structure. Sometimes, this ruins the series, while other times, it makes for TV gold.
Posted in: AMC
Books That Deserve Another Shot On TV

Books That Deserve Another Shot On TV

From Dracula to Perry Mason, many beloved books inspire the creation of multiple TV series. Here are some other novels deserving of another chance on our screens.
Posted in: Dexter
Summer TV Shows in Limbo

Summer TV Shows in Limbo

Summer TV is here, but several TV shows are not returning to the air as originally planned. Which shows are and are not returning? Get all the details.
Posted in: renew/cancel

10 Best Shows of 2019

Hey! It's another list! No, we haven't forgotten 2019. Here are the best shows of this year in one person's opinion. Do you agree or disagree?
Posted in: Editorials

HBO Quotes

Every successful business is full of people who spent money nurturing unremarkable talent.


Eric: Why are you here then?
Harper: Well, it's not a very political answer, but I think mediocrity is too well hidden by parents who hire private tutors. I am here on my own.