12 Vampire Diaries Villains We Really Love to Hate

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From Katherine to Klaus, The Vampire Diaries has always been about some pretty awesome villains.

Decide on the very best ones now!

1. Malachai "Kai" Parker

Kai is sarcastic. Kai has an innocent, almost sweet face. And Kai was usurp all the witch power he possibly can to pretty much take over the world. GULP.

2. Katherine Pierce

We're back in time here with Katherine Pierce. Remember when she was the show's top villain?

3. Isobel Flemming

Isobel Flemming played a key, villainous role on Season 1 of The Vampire Diaries. She was Elena's biological mother and Alaric's wife.

4. Klaus Mikaelson

He's gone through quite the evolution over the years. But Klaus started out as the baddest of them all.

5. Mikael Mikaelson

Mikael Mikaelson is the father of Klaus, Elijah, Kol and Rebekah. He's the one man who Klaus fears.

6. Esther Mikaelson

Esther Mikaelson is one mother of a witch. She had it out for her own children!

7. Atticus Shane

Atticus Shane gave all college professors a bad name. He was a bit too focused on resurrecting his ex-wife.

8. Connor Jordan

Connor Jordan was vampire hunter. He had his sights set on some of our favorite characters.

9. Galen Vaughn

Galen Vaughn was a member of The Five. He was all about hunting down vampires.

10. Qetsiyah

Qetsiyah was bat sh-t crazy! Fun, entertaining and fascinating. But totally nuts!

11. Dr. Wes Maxfield

Dr. Wes Maxfield has a plan for all vampires: he wants to make them feed on their own. YIKES!

12. Enzo

Enzo is making his feelings strongly felt. This is a scene from The Vampire Diaries episode, "The Devil Inside."

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Elena: You keep a journal?
Stefan: Memories are too important.

Elena, don't go to the bridge. It's Death, Elena. Your death is waiting there.
