Imaginary Sue: What is it that you really want? What is the deeper yearning that you have?
Emily: Sue, what do you mean?
Imaginary Sue: Beneath all of this nonsense about fame, what is it that you crave? You crave meaning. You crave beauty. You crave love.

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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 6: "Split the lark"
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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Austin: God, I miss the old gang. Maybe, I should organize a reunion. Those were the days, man. We used to have so much good times.
Sue: You still have good times, don’t you?

Sue: Sam, thank you so much for your help with the tickets. We’re thrilled to be up in that box.
Mrs. Dickinson: Wait a minute, where are we sitting?
Edward: Orchestra, back row.
Mrs. Dickinson: Why didn’t you get us a box?
Edward: Yes, first you stick me in a hole. Now you try to put me in a box.