This is Commander Emma Green here, on the Moon, which is obvious. But there are so many others who can't be here, at home and around the world. It's because of their work and sacrifices that we are standing here today. Getting to Mars might be the hardest thing that humankind has ever tried. It requires the best of us, from all of us. And maybe it's not our nature to work together, but the future demands otherwise. And we will come together now in pursuit of a dream that was once thought to be impossible. And if we can do this, we can do anything. We've been grimly reminded of the extraordinary challenges that await us. But we will reach the surface of Mars, and we will return home.


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AWAY Season 1 Episode 1: "Go"
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AWAY Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Yeah, but you gotta be the one that wants to take the shot!


Reporter: Why should we care more about Mars than we do our own planet?
Emma: We shouldn't. Of course, we should care about social imperatives. But in the US alone, we spend a trillion dollars each year on the military, and mostly in case the countries represented here decide to blow each other off the face of the Earth. This mission, it costs a fraction of that, as we work together, repurposing those same tools of destruction for discovery.
Kwesi: At this very moment, there's a team of astronauts on the Moon, mining polar ice caps for fuel and water.
Misha: Water that will be pumped into the hull of our ship to shield us from radiation, allowing us to travel safely from the Moon to Mars.
Emma: Reaching Mars... might prove to be the greatest achievement. Not only for science, but for the future of our planet.