Lennox: Karli, we can't stay here for long. Six months ago, would you have imagined people supporting the cause like this?
Karli: We're not playing no more. We can't let the same assholes who were put back in power after The Blip win. The GRC care more about the people who came back than the ones who never left. We got a glimpse of how things could be. I need to know that you're all committed because, after tomorrow, there's no going back.
Matias: Yeah. One World.
Soldiers: One People.
Matias: One World.
Soldiers: One People.
Matias: One World!
Soldiers: One People!

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The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Season 1 Episode 2: "The Star-Spangled Man"
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
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The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Jason: Don't get me wrong, this has been great, it's been great, but it's been a lot of handshakes, a lot of suits, a lot of speeches, and senator meetings, and I just wanna do the job.
Lemar: This is the job, John. All of it is. Star-spangled man with a plan and all that. It's always been in the job description. Listen, this suit, it comes with expectations, brother. You can't just punch your way out of problems anymore, you know?
Jason: Mhmm.
Lemar: Time to go to work.
Jason: Time to go to work.

I've been a captain before, obviously, but this is different. This is... Everybody in the world expects me to be something. And I don't wanna fail them.
